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Stockman Warns "A Great Big Coup Is On The Way"

Authored by David Stockman via The Daily Reckoning,

So let’s start with an obvious point about the whole Russia fiasco…

Namely, there is no “there, there.” First off, the president has the power to declassify secret documents at will. But in this instance he could also do that without compromising intelligence community (IC) “sources and methods” in the slightest.

The US Criminal “Justice System” is Devoid of Justice

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The US Criminal “Justice System” is Devoid of Justice

Paul Craig Roberts

In 1992 Fran and Dan Keller were convicted despite the absence of any evidence of raping a 3-year old, a crime that never occurred. Among the absurd charges was the transport of children to Mexico to be raped by military officials. The Kellers spent 21 years in prison before finally being exonerated by a conviction integrity unit that found no credible evidence for the conviction.

Americans Are Dying With An Average Of $61,500 In Debt

Americans Are Dying With An Average Of $61,500 In Debt

According to a recent study, the average total household debt in America is just over $132,500, broken down as per the chart below...

... and thanks to the Fed's recent and ongoing rate increases, the repayment of said debt will become increasingly more difficult. So difficult, in fact, that most Americans will be saddled with a sizable chunk of it at the time of their death.

Actually, most already are.

Obama Lashes Out At GOP Healthcare Plan: "This Bill Will Do You Harm"

Obama Lashes Out At GOP Healthcare Plan: "This Bill Will Do You Harm"

Laying the groundwork of Leftist talking points for the next few days, former President Barack Obama took to his Facebook page to defend Obamacare against the GOP's Healthcare Plan... [emphasis added]

Our politics are divided. They have been for a long time. And while I know that division makes it difficult to listen to Americans with whom we disagree, that’s what we need to do today.

