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Mayor Bloomberg: Democrats Will Lose In 2020 Because "Party Is Going To Be Torn Apart"

Last night, in CNN and Anderson Cooper's effort to desperately avoid discussing the Democratic debacle unfolding in Georgia, Cooper decided to pivot his discussion with former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to focus on the 2020 election cycle.  We can only imagine the thought process: 'ignore Georgia, surely there must be some silver lining for Democrats if we just look far enough out on the horizon, right Mike?'

Frontrunning: June 21

  • Republican Handel Wins Georgia House Seat, Dashing Democrats’ Hopes (BBG)
  • Uber CEO Kalanick Quits as Investors Revolt (WSJ)
  • Saudi King’s Surprise Shakeup Clears Son’s Path to the Throne (BBG)
  • After weeks of secrecy, U.S. Senate to unveil healthcare bill (Reuters)
  • Latest Election-Hacking Hearings to Focus on State-Level Events (WSJ)
  • Trump’s Net Worth Slips to $2.9 Billion as Towers Underperform (BBG)
  • Oil Returns to Bear Market (WSJ)
  • Brexit Dominates May's Program as Some Manifesto Pledges Ditched (BBG)

Why Does The US Target Functioning Democracies For Regime Change?

Why Does The US Target Functioning Democracies For Regime Change?

Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recently admitted that America’s official foreign policy includes a regime-change operation in Iran. The CIA has created an office for this sole purpose, tasking Michael D’Andrea — also known as the Dark Prince or Ayatollah Mike — with leading this operation.

Iran just had an election in May, and voter turnout was as high as 70 percent. Even prisoners were allowed to vote, something so-called moderate democratic countries like New Zealand disallow.
