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Special Prosecutor Mueller Is a Political Hack

The New York Times characterizes special prosecutor Robert Mueller as being independent and fair:

Robert S. Mueller III managed in a dozen years as F.B.I. director to stay above the partisan fray, carefully cultivating a rare reputation for independence and fairness.

Let’s fact-check the Times …

Anthrax Frame-Up

Mueller presided over the incredibly flawed anthrax investigation.

Beware The Collapsing Social Contract

Beware The Collapsing Social Contract

Authored by Gaius Publius via Down With Tyranny blog,

"[T]he super-rich are absconding with our wealth, and the plague of inequality continues to grow. An analysis of 2016 data found that the poorest five deciles of the world population own about $410 billion in total wealth. As of June 8, 2017, the world's richest five men owned over $400 billion in wealth. Thus, on average, each man owns nearly as much as 750 million people."     —Paul Buchheit, Alternet


“Global Order” Is An Euphemism for Washington’s Hegemony

“Global Order” Is An Euphamism for Washington’s Hegemony

Paul Craig Roberts

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Colonel Andrew Bacevich, a professor at Boston University, served in Vietnam. His son was killed serving in Afghanistan. He comes from a military family. I know him. He is among the best that our country has produced.

As has occurred before, he has saved me from having to write an article by writing it himself. And he has written it better.

Summer Of Hate: The Arrival Of The Crisis & The Second Civil War?

Summer Of Hate: The Arrival Of The Crisis & The Second Civil War?

Authored by Michael Hart and StockBoardAsset,

In our previous article, we discussed how our analysis of recent events in the US and elsewhere seem to be leading up to some sort of ‘Crisis Event’ that appears to correlate with some of the predictions made in Neil Strauss and William Howe’s 1997 book The Fourth Turning: What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny.

New Democratic Bill to Establish a 'National Russian Threat Response Center', Thrusting America Deeper into Russophobia

Rep. Joe Kennedy introduced a bill to fight back against 'russian meddling' that will establish a 'National Russian Threat Response Center', whose goal will be to fuck with Russia on a regular basis. What is the point of such an idiotic layer of expensive bureaucracy? After all, isn't it the job of the lauded '17 intelligence agencies' to already do this job? I suppose this is the reward for all of this Russian bullshit, a great big payoff that will employee more deep staters, lavishing them with salaries, pensions, and healthcare benefits.
