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Paul Craig Roberts Warns "Without Glass-Steagall, America Will Fail"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

For 66 years the Glass-Steagall act reduced the risks in the banking system. Eight years after the act was repealed, the banking system blew up threatening the international economy. US taxpayers were forced to come up with $750 billion dollars, a sum much larger than the Pentagon’s budget, in order to bail out the banks. This huge sum was insufficient to do the job. The Federal Reserve had to step in and expand its balance sheet by $4 trillion in order to protect the solvency of banks declared “too big to fail.”

Are Massive Central Bank Purchases A Last Ditch Attempt To Save The Economy & Cap Gold Price?

Are Massive Central Bank Purchases A Last Ditch Attempt To Save The Economy & Cap Gold Price?

Authored by Steve St.Angelo via,

The Central banks bought a staggering $1.5 trillion in assets in the first five months of the year to keep the economy from imploding while at the same time, capping the gold price.  Yes, it’s true…. $300 billion a month of Central bank asset purchases pushes up STOCK, BOND and REAL ESTATE values while it depresses or caps the gold (or silver) price.
