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LTCM Is Back: One Hedge Fund Uses 25x Leverage To Beat The Market

LTCM Is Back: One Hedge Fund Uses 25x Leverage To Beat The Market

Before we start, a little history lesson...

At the beginning of 1998, Long-Term Capital Managementhad equity of $4.72 billion and had borrowed over $124.5 billion with assets of around $129 billion, for a debt-to-equity ratio of over 25 to 1.


It was run by finance veterans, PhDs, professors, and two Nobel Prize winners. Everyone on Wall Street wanted a piece of their profits.


Nomi Prins: Breaking Up The Banks Is Easier Than You Might Think

Authored by Nomi Prins via,

Donald, listen, whatever you’ve done so far, whatever you’ve messed up, there’s one thing you could do that would make up for a lot.  It would be huge!  Terrific!  It could change our world for the better in a big-league way!  It could save us all from economic disaster!  And it isn’t even hard to grasp or complicated to do.  It’s simple, in fact.  Reinstitute the Glass-Steagall Act. Let me explain.

25% Of Americans Admit Partisan Politics Drove Them To Boycott Brands

25% Of Americans Admit Partisan Politics Drove Them To Boycott Brands

Amid the increasingly divided electorate, it appears the most important part of America - the consumer - is now caught up in the political partisanship like never before.

Think there's more hoopla about brand boycotts than actual boycotting? Maybe not. As reports, a new Ipsos survey found that 25% of Americans said they had stopped using a brand's goods or services in the previous three months because of protests, boycotts or the brand's perceived political leanings.
