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Russian Su-27 "Photobombed" In Dramatic Intercept Of US Bombers Over Baltic Sea

Russian Su-27 "Photobombed" In Dramatic Intercept Of US Bombers Over Baltic Sea

One month after the US intercepted Russian tactical bombers flying in proximity to Alaska on several occasions, and just four days after Russia returned the favor earlier this week when a Russian Su-27 was scrambled to "accompany" a US B-52 bomber flying over the Baltic Sea, on June 9 a Russian fighter jet was "photobombed" in a series of dramatic photos while intercepting a group of US warplanes over the Baltic Sea during annual military drills over the Baltic Sea, the US Department of Defense said.

CNN Fires Host Who Called Trump A "Piece Of Shit"

It's going from bad to worse for "unbiased" CNN staffers who just happen to have a vendetta with the president.

Last week, after the latest London terrorist attack, in response to a Trump tweet suggesting that the terrorist attack is confirmation of the need for Trump's "travel ban", CNN host Reza Aslan flipped out, and slammed the president on Twitter, saying in a since deleted tweet, "This piece of shit is not just an embarrassment to America and a stain on the presidency. He's an embarrassment to humankind."

Mall Tenants Seek Shorter Leases As America's Relics Of The 80's Teeter On The Brink

Mall Tenants Seek Shorter Leases As America's Relics Of The 80's Teeter On The Brink

As if things weren't bad enough for America's mall owners, what with the having to filling their retail space with high schools, grocers and churches, it seems that retailers have grown so uncertain about the future of these 1980s relics that they're only willing to sign 1-2 leases these days.

As Bloomberg points out this morning, leases renewals used to be 5-10 years in length but are increasingly only being signed with 1-2 year terms.  Meanwhile, thousands of stores are closing each year and it's only expected to get worse over time.

The "Nonsense" Behind The Impeach-Trump Conspiracy

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

Pressed by Megyn Kelly on his ties to President Trump, an exasperated Vladimir Putin blurted out, “We had no relationship at all. … I never met him. … Have you all lost your senses over there?”

Yes, Vlad, we have.

Consider the questions that have convulsed this city since the Trump triumph, and raised talk of impeachment.
