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Forget Peace & Stability - Washington's Policy In The South China Sea Is Confrontational

Forget Peace & Stability - Washington's Policy In The South China Sea Is Confrontational

Authored by Brian Cloughley via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The American guided missile destroyer USS Dewey was reported as having carried out a ‘freedom of navigation operation’ or FONOP in the South China Sea on May 24. According to the US Naval Institute the undertaking involved manoeuvres «within 12 nautical miles of Mischief Reef for about 90 minutes zig-zagging in the water near the installation. At one point during the operation, the ship’s crew conducted a man overboard drill».

NYPost Claims Trump Administration Spying On Press To Find Leakers

NYPost Claims Trump Administration Spying On Press To Find Leakers

In what is bound to create mass hysteria among the mainstream media, NYPost's bombastic columnist John Crudele reports that the Trump administration is spying on a number of journalists in an effort to flush out The White House leakers.

Crudele notes that there was a big ruckus four years ago when the Associated Press announced that telephone records for 20 of its reporters had been subpoenaed by the Justice Department.

Is Bitcoin Standing In For Gold?

Is Bitcoin Standing In For Gold?

Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler

In a series of articles posted on, we have proven to our satisfaction that the prices of gold and silver are manipulated by the bullion banks acting as agents for the Federal Reserve.

The bullion prices are manipulated down in order to protect the value of the US dollar from the extraordinary increase in supply resulting from the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing (QE) and low interest rate policies.

Bizarre Trump Midnight Tweet Sparks Twitter Trolling, Bewilderment, Mockery

Bizarre Trump Midnight Tweet Sparks Twitter Trolling, Bewilderment, Mockery

Update: after deleting the original tweet that kept much of Twitter, and most of the political media up all night, Trump followed up shortly after 6am with a tweet in which he tried a humorous spin on "covfefe":

"Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ???  Enjoy!" Trump tweeted at 6:10am ET.
