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"An Incredible Accomplishment": Pentagon Successfully Shoots Down Simulated ICBM Attack

"An Incredible Accomplishment": Pentagon Successfully Shoots Down Simulated ICBM Attack

Update: according to the Pentagon, the much anticipated intercept of an intercontinental ballistic missile was a success, and the mock ICBM warhead was shot down over the Pacific "in a success for America's missile defense program." The test was the first of its kind in nearly three years, and was the first test ever targeting an intercontinental-range missile like North Korea is developing.

NATO Recoils From Trump Spending Salvos

NATO Recoils From Trump Spending Salvos

Authored by Finian Cunningham via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

When US President Donald Trump addressed the opening of the NATO summit last week, it was an embarrassing display of American bullying. As Trump lectured the other leaders of the military alliance about laggardly financial commitments, there was much shuffling of feet and grimacing of faces. There were also contemptuous smirks as the president spoke.

A Voice Of Reason Speaks Regarding "The New Cold War"

A Voice Of Reason Speaks Regarding "The New Cold War"

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Last week was interesting for me. I spent about half my time getting up to speed with the latest happenings in the crypto-coin world, and got really excited about a lot of what I saw. In fact, this was the first time I became totally consumed by the space in several years, going back to when I first investigated and started becoming involved with Bitcoin.

CNN Host Fareed Zakaria Destroys 'Tolerant' Liberals: "Freedom Of Speech Is Not Just For Your Warm Fuzzy Ideas"

CNN Host Fareed Zakaria Destroys 'Tolerant' Liberals: "Freedom Of Speech Is Not Just For Your Warm Fuzzy Ideas"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

The alternative media has, for good reason, slammed CNN time and again for fabricated news stories, untruths and left-leaning propaganda.

But the following opinion report from CNN’s Fareed Zakaria is a must-watch, as it touches on the very core of the purported tolerance among liberals.
