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Van Cliburn: America’s Greatest Diplomat

Van Cliburn: America’s Greatest Diplomat

Paul Craig Roberts

The Cold War could have ended in 1958 when Van Cliburn won the Piano Competition in Moscow. Van Cliburn was overwhelmed with Russian applause and his stage with the profusion of flowers.

The judges asked Khrushchev if they were permitted to award the prize to the American. Khrushchev asked, “was he the best?” “Yes,” replied the judges. “Then give him the prize,” said the Soviet leader.

Remembering A Still Falling Hero: Small Business

Authored by Mark St.Cyr,

On this holiday weekend known here in the U.S. as Memorial Day, I would like to make a slight turn in the narrative that many give little to no attention too, yet, is one of the most important underlying principles or fundamentals which helped shape, lift, mold, sustain, and create one of the world’s greatest economic powerhouses bar none.

That “turn” is in remembering: The liberty to create, and own, one’s own business.
