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Inside The US Government's Plan To Survive Nuclear War (While The Rest Of Us Die)

Inside The US Government's Plan To Survive Nuclear War (While The Rest Of Us Die)

Authored by Sadie Dingfelder, originally posted at The Washington Post,

In 2011, a staffer at Washingtonian found a government ID in a Metro parking garage and gave it to Garrett M. Graff (the magazine’s editor-in-chief at the time) to track down its owner. “Since I reported about that world, he figured I’d know what to do with it,” Graff says.

Graff immediately noticed something strange.

White Students Banned From Student Lounge At D.C. University: "Nothing More Important Than A Multicultural Campus"

White Students Banned From Student Lounge At D.C. University: "Nothing More Important Than A Multicultural Campus"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

As tolerance spreads across the United States, universities and their progressive student bodies are coming up with new and innovative ways to ensure a positive multi-cultural experience for everyone… unless you happen to be a Caucasian.

"A Republic... Or A Monarchy?"

"A Republic... Or A Monarchy?"

Authored by Simon Black via,

On September 17, 1787 on the final day of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin was approached by a woman as he walked out of Independence Hall.

“Well Doctor, what have we got– a republic, or a monarchy?” she asked.

It was a burning question on everyone’s mind: what form of government would the Constitutional delegates establish for the new country?

Condi Admits Another Iraq War Lie

Condi Admits Another Iraq War Lie

Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

Last week, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made some surprising admissions about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, claiming U.S.-led interventions in the Middle East were not about spreading democracy but were instead about addressing security issues.

During an interview at the Brooking Institute last Thursday, Rice stated the following:
