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Are You Ready to Die?

Are You Ready to Die?

Paul Craig Roberts

In George Orwell’s 1949 dystopian novel, 1984, information that no longer is consistent with Big Brother’s explanations is chucked down the Memory Hole. In the real American dystopia in which we currently live, the information is never reported at all.

Can Times Get Better In America Without A Major Crisis?

Can Times Get Better In America Without A Major Crisis?

Authored by Bob Livingston via,

There is war going on now between government and the American people. It’s being fought on many fronts. Only a few Americans are aware of the depth and breadth of what is happening, and fewer still are seriously concerned.

The vast majority of Americans are unaware, and unaware that they are unaware. They are blown to and fro and easily excited over every fake meme and outrage making its way across social media and headlined on mainstream media outlets.

Harvard To Hold Blacks-Only Graduation Ceremony As Progressives Embrace Segregation

Harvard To Hold Blacks-Only Graduation Ceremony As Progressives Embrace Segregation

Apparently racial segregation is now an enlightened, progressive policy...just ask the elitist administrators of Harvard University who, in their infinite wisdom, have decided to hold a "Blacks Only" graduation ceremony this spring. 

According to BET, the ceremony is intended to recognize the indisputable fact that graduating from Harvard is simply harder for black students than white students because the "outer pressures of society make the already challenging coursework even more difficult."

Saudis Plan $40 Billion US Investment To "Cement Ties With Trump"

Saudis Plan $40 Billion US Investment To "Cement Ties With Trump"

Having gone all-in on a Hillary Clinton victory ahead of the elections, Saudi Arabia has quickly pivoted in its "appreciation" of the Trump administration, and having realized that the fastest way to Trump's heart is through the US Treasury's bank account, it is preparing to invest an "unprecedented" amount of money in the US. According to Bloomberg, the Kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund will announce plans to "deploy as much as $40 billion into U.S. infrastructure." The investment will likely be unveiled as early as next week when Trump is scheduled to visit the kingdom.

Xi Should Coach Trump On How To Avoid A Trade War

Xi Should Coach Trump On How To Avoid A Trade War

The U.S. has recorded a trade deficit in every year since 1975. This is not surprising — America spends more than it saves. So, it must run a trade deficit, and this deficit is financed by means of a virtually unlimited U.S. line of credit with the rest of the world. Economies that save more than they spend and record corresponding trade surpluses ship funds to the U.S. to finance America’s insatiable spending.
