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The English Fought for Civil Liberty for Centuries Only to Destroy it With Intrusive Surveillance

The English Fought for Civil Liberty for Centuries Only to Destroy it With Intrusive Surveillance

Jeremy Bentham, who wanted to arrest and imprison people of suspected criminal inclination before they could commit a crime is alive and well in the UK.

Read this article carefully. It is America’s dystopia future as well as Britain’s.

2018 Obamacare Premium Estimates Are Surging Again Leaving Obama's "Legacy" On Life Support

2018 Obamacare Premium Estimates Are Surging Again Leaving Obama's "Legacy" On Life Support

Maryland, Virginia and Connecticut are the first three states to make their 2018 Obamacare premium estimates public and they paint a very bad picture for the future of Obama's crowning legislative achievement.  On average, premiums for individual insurance are expected to increase 33% over 2017 with Maryland's 4 insurers requesting a staggering 45% YoY increase.  Per Bloomberg:


Buchanan: Trump & Nixon - Then & Now

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

For two years, this writer has been consumed by two subjects.

First, the presidency of Richard Nixon, in whose White House I served from its first day to its last, covered in my new book, “Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.”

The second has been the astonishing campaign of Donald Trump and his first 100-plus days as president.

In many ways, the two men could not have been more different.
