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"I Kept My Promise To Americans": Trump Explains What He Did In His First 100 Days

"I Kept My Promise To Americans": Trump Explains What He Did In His First 100 Days

In an article just published in the Washington Post, Donald Trump looks back at his first 100 days in office and explains, in his own words, how he "kept his promise to Americans." As we showed earlier, it is likely the case that those who origianlly voted for Trump will agree, while those who voted for Hillary, will not.

Here is Donald Trump, as posted in the WaPo.

"In my first 100 days, I kept my promise to Americans"

MISOC: The U.S. Military's Secret Brand Of Fake News

MISOC: The U.S. Military's Secret Brand Of Fake News


PSYOP/MISOC targets foreign governments, groups, and individuals. The government program is similar to journalism, a mode of communication that spreads information, but often spins the narrative, according to Colonel Curtis D. Boyd, Chief of Staff of the JFK Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, who gave a lecture on “The MISTRY* of PSYOP: Putting MISO in Perspective” in 2011.

Erdogan Blocks Wikipedia, Bans TV Dating Shows, Purges Another 4,000 Public Officials

Erdogan Blocks Wikipedia, Bans TV Dating Shows, Purges Another 4,000 Public Officials

Two weeks after winning the Turkish constitutional referendum by a modest but decisive margin, president - or perhaps it is now despot - Erdogan decided to take his newly decreed powers for a spin and overnight in rapid succession surprised foreign observers when Turkey decreed that it would ban TV dating shows, fire an additional 4,000 public officials and also ban Wikipedia.

The Rise Of The Generals

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

Has President Donald Trump outsourced foreign policy to the generals?

So it would seem. Candidate Trump held out his hand to Vladimir Putin. He rejected further U.S. intervention in Syria other than to smash ISIS.

He spoke of getting out and staying out of the misbegotten Middle East wars into which Presidents Bush II and Obama had plunged the country.
