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Somehow The US Has Killed 70k ISIS Fighters - Twice As Many As It Says Exist

Somehow The US Has Killed 70k ISIS Fighters - Twice As Many As It Says Exist

Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

In June 2014, around the time ISIS was making headlines across the world, the Wall Street Journal reported that the terror group had 4,000 fighters in Iraq.

In September 2014, the CIA released an estimate claiming ISIS had between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters combined in both Iraq and Syria, including 15,000 who were foreign fighters.

Almost half were foreign fighters? That’s some organic uprising taking place in Syria.

Housing's Echo Bubble Now Exceeds The 2006-07 Bubble Peak

Housing's Echo Bubble Now Exceeds The 2006-07 Bubble Peak

Authored by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

If you need some evidence that the echo-bubble in housing is global, take a look at this chart of Sweden's housing bubble.

A funny thing often occurs after a mania-fueled asset bubble pops: an echo-bubble inflates a few years later, as monetary authorities and all the institutions that depend on rising asset valuations go all-in to reflate the crushed asset class.

Goldman Explains How Traders Made 4,364% Since 2009 With This 'Simple' Strategy

Goldman Explains How Traders Made 4,364% Since 2009 With This 'Simple' Strategy

This is too easy. Forget NFLX Calls. As Goldman explains, the road to real riches over the past 8 years (off the '666' lows in the S&P) is simple - Sell Vol!

The S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures Daily Inverse Index which tracks the return of being short a one-month VIX future was up 4364% from March 9, 2009 through 1Q 2017.

Is Macron The EU's Last Best Hope?

Is Macron The EU's Last Best Hope?

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

For the French establishment, Sunday’s presidential election came close to a near-death experience. As the Duke of Wellington said of Waterloo, it was a “damn near-run thing.”

Neither candidate of the two major parties that have ruled France since Charles De Gaulle even made it into the runoff, an astonishing repudiation of France’s national elite.

Marine Le Pen of the National Front ran second with 21.5 percent of the vote. Emmanuel Macron of the new party En Marche! won 23.8 percent.
