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Cheat Or Chump? - You Are Not An Investor

Cheat Or Chump? - You Are Not An Investor

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

You are not an investor. One can only be an investor in functioning markets. There have been no functioning markets since at least 2008, and probably much longer. That’s when central banks started purchasing financial assets, for real, which means that is also the point when price discovery died. And without price discovery no market can function.

Krieger: The American Empire Under Trump Has Become Increasingly Desperate, Dangerous, & Insecure

Authored by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

My current working hypothesis is that the U.S. is a late-stage empire about to enter a more serious and dangerous period of collapse. In case you missed it, I outlined my broad brush view in the very popular recent post, Prepare for Impact – This is the Beginning of the End for U.S. Empire. Here’s a brief excerpt:

Prisons Of Pleasure Or Pain: Huxley's 'Brave New World' Vs. Orwell's '1984'

Prisons Of Pleasure Or Pain: Huxley's 'Brave New World' Vs. Orwell's '1984'

Authored by Uncola via,

Definition of UTOPIA

1: an imaginary and indefinitely remote place

2: a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions

3:   an impractical scheme for social improvement


Definition of DYSTOPIA

1: an imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives

2: literature: anti-utopia

Failing Malls Turn Empty Parking Lots Into Carnivals To Generate Cash

Failing Malls Turn Empty Parking Lots Into Carnivals To Generate Cash

It should come as no surprise that America's malls, the wonderlands of the 80s, are in big trouble.  After slowly losing market share to online competition for years, brick-and-mortar retailers have finally succumb to changing consumer habits which has resulted in a massive surge in bankruptcies and store closings.

Of course, as we've pointed out before, mall owners have tried just about everything to fill their empty spaces including the addition of grocery stores, doctors' offices and even high schools. 
