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The Reason Behind The Sales-Surge For Nuclear-Proof Bunkers

The Reason Behind The Sales-Surge For Nuclear-Proof Bunkers

Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

On April 15th, Zero Hedge bannered «Doomsday Bunker Sales Soar After Trump's Military Strikes», but this growth in the market for nuclear-proof bunkers is hardly new; it started during the Obama Administration, in Obama’s second term, specifically after the Russia-friendly government of Ukraine, next-door to Russia, got taken over in 2014 by a rabidly anti-Russian government that’s backed by the U.S. government.

Oklahoma City Bombing — Feedback from a Reader

Oklahoma City Bombing — Feedback from a Reader

I remember much of this myself. Truth-telling by the local media in Oklahoma City lasted for about 4 hours until Washington arrived, put a stop to truth-telling, and gave us the officially approved story.

I also remember that for a couple of hours the news anchors replaying the videos of the World Trade Center towers said over and over: “It looks exactly like a controlled demolition.” This truth-telling soon disappeared as well.

Americans live in a Matrix of lies and that is where the government intends to keep them.

A Quarter Of Millennials Living At Home Neither Work Nor Study

A Quarter Of Millennials Living At Home Neither Work Nor Study

At one point in time in America, living at home with mom and dad after crossing out of your teenage years and into your 20s was embarrassing and something that was generally avoided at all costs.  And while hard times come and go, 20-somethings who were forced back into their parents' care worked their tails off until they could save up enough money to once again regain their freedom.
