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Insider Roger Stone: "Trump Diplomacy Is Working... It's Really Working"

Insider Roger Stone: "Trump Diplomacy Is Working... It's Really Working"

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

President Trump has taken a lot of flack recently, first for his direct strike on a Syrian airfield using 59 Tomahawk missiles, then for responding to North Korean rhetoric and nuclear testing by deploying a Naval Strike Fleet to the region, and finally for dropping the world’s largest non-nuclear Mother Of All Bombs on a cave complex housing as many as 800 Islamic State fighters.

The Country Created by Our Founding Fathers No Longer Exists

The Country Created by Our Founding Fathers No Longer Exists

John Whitehead is an American constitutional attorney whose institute, the Rutherford Institute, defends Americans’ civil liberties. In the 14 minute video below, he explains that “our” government has already set up the US military in violation of all US law and the US Constitution to suppress all dissent against the policies that “our” government follows that only benefit the One Percent. The rest of America is to be suppressed, eliminated, shot down in the streets.

The US & China: Why The Sudden Convergence On North Korea?

The US & China: Why The Sudden Convergence On North Korea?

Authored by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

It was no coincidence that America's 11-ton bunker-tunnel busting bomb was deployed in Afghanistan as tensions mount over North Korea's nuclear theats.

In the past, China resisted U.S. saber-rattling against North Korea. Now China is threatening North Korea with military action. What's going on? Why the sudden convergence of U.S.-China threats of military force against North Korea?

India Claims 500 Pakistanis (Protecting ISIS) Killed In "Treasonous" US Bombing In Afghanistan

India Claims 500 Pakistanis (Protecting ISIS) Killed In "Treasonous" US Bombing In Afghanistan

While US officials have upped their death count from the Afghan MOAB drop to 94, Indian authorities are claiming that at least 500 Pakistani nationals (who had been protecting the ISIS operatives in this area) were killed in the US bombing in Nangarhar province.

One India reports that the area that was targetted was controlled by the Islamic State and protected by the Pakistan army, sources say.

Jim Quinn Asks "Will Trump Accept Responsibility When This Shitshow Implodes?"

Jim Quinn Asks "Will Trump Accept Responsibility When This Shitshow Implodes?"

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

Donald J. Trump has taken credit for making America’s economy great again. He’s been crowing about all the jobs being created, the soaring consumer confidence and record highs in the stock market. It’s all because the Donald has inspired Americans about our glorious future.

But, a funny thing has been happening in the real world. The economy has gone into the shitter and GDP will be lucky to reach 1% in the first quarter of his presidency.
