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Heavily-Armed Swamp Critters - Did Trump Ever Stand A Chance?

Heavily-Armed Swamp Critters - Did Trump Ever Stand A Chance?

Authored by Bill Bonner via,

By our calculation, it took just 76 days for President Trump to get on board with the Clinton-Bush-Obama agenda.

Now there can be no doubt where he’s headed. He’s gone Full Empire.

Not that it was unexpected. But the speed with which the president abandoned his supporters and went over to the Deep State is breathtaking.

Worst Mistake

North Korea Would Target US Military Bases In Asia-Pacific; South Korean Presidency If U.S. Attacks

While preparations for North Korea's celebration of the "Day of the Sun" have already started early on Saturday morning local time, appropriately enough under a light rain...

Krunch Time for Korean Krackpot Despot, Kim Jong-Un: Missile Crisis Countdown Has Begun

Krunch Time for Korean Krackpot Despot, Kim Jong-Un: Missile Crisis Countdown Has Begun

The following article by David Haggith was first published on The Great Recession Blog:

The Korean missile crisis has never been hotter. Trump is turning the screws on everyone to force action. China, Japan, and South Korea join in threatening Kim Jong-un with imminent war, but North Korea’s crackpot despot isn’t backing down.

Professor Who First Predicted Trump's Victory Just Predicted His Impeachment As Well

Professor Who First Predicted Trump's Victory Just Predicted His Impeachment As Well

After his stunning defeat of Hillary Clinton in November, President-elect Trump took the time out of his transition planning to write a letter to American University Professor, Allan Lichtman, congratulating him for being the first to predict the outcome of the election even when polls declared Hillary a 'yuge' favorite: "Professor - Congrats - good call."
