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Lust For War

Authored by Taylor Lewis via Mises Canada,

Mr. Trump has gone to war.

It seems like only yesterday the braggart billionaire denounced former president George W. Bush for lying about the presence of “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq in order to goad us into invasion. “Obviously the war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake,” Trump said, to whoops and hollers during a primary debate in South Carolina.

America, The Waning Days

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

Potential earthquakes and black swans are right ahead of us. What else is new?

On April 16, Turkey has a referendum to decide whether Erdogan will become de facto supreme ruler. What happens if he loses the referendum is completely unclear, undiscussed even, but it’s obvious a loss would have the country shake on its already shaky foundations.

Warning: Never Accept America’s Foreign Policy “Help”

Via The Daily Bell

It’s no secret that the U.S. unleashes all sorts of death and destruction with its foreign policy. But it is all for the greater good… so they claim.

Actually consider for a moment the obscure possibility that the U.S. foreign policy–drone bombings, supplying weapons to rebels, and rogue missiles attacks–is actually well intentioned. Even if America is truly trying to do the best thing for the citizens of the United States and the people abroad, its foreign policy is still is not okay.
