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Trump Flips On Five Core Key Campaign Promises In Under 24 Hours

Blink, and you missed Trump's blistering, seamless transformation into a mainstream politician.

In the span of just a few hours, President Trump flipped to new positions on several core policy issues, backing off on no less than five repeated campaign promises.

In a WSJ interview and a subsequent press conference, Trump either shifted or completely reversed positions on a number of foreign and economic policy decisions, including the fate of the US Dollar, how to handle China and the future of the chair of the Federal Reserve.

Watch Live: Trump Holds First Press Briefing With NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg

After repeatedly calling NATO 'obsolete' during the 2016 campaign cycle, President Trump will be joined shortly by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg for their first joint press briefing.  Trump is expected to discuss America’s "100% commitment" to the alliance but is also expected to reiterate his calls for all NATO member states to increase military spending to 2% of their economic output to strengthen the alliance’s long-term capabilities and reduce the economic burdens on the Unites States.  The Express reported earlier on comments made by a White House official regarding today's m

End Airline Protectionism: Allow Foreign Carriers On Domestic Routes

End Airline Protectionism: Allow Foreign Carriers On Domestic Routes

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

In the wake of the United Airlines debacle - in which the airline had airport police assault one of its own customers - customers have begun to ask why there doesn't seem to be more competition for United to contend with. They ask: would United treat its customers so poorly if they had more competition? 

Maybe not. 

Is the Airline Industry Competitive? 
