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Is Your "Democracy" Actually a Totalitarian State? Take This Quick Quiz

Is Your "Democracy" Actually a Totalitarian State? Take This Quick Quiz

Authored by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The USA is already a Totalitarian State with a Ministry of Propaganda that works overtime to generate a flimsy illusion of "democracy."

Is your "democracy" (or republic) actually a Totalitarian State? That is, is it a "democracy" or "republic" in name only? To find out, take this quick quiz.

Americans' Self-Contradictory Views Of Socialized Healthcare

Americans' Self-Contradictory Views Of Socialized Healthcare

Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Majorities want single-payer, but not from the government

58 % of Americans want «Replacing the ACA with a federally funded healthcare program providing insurance for all Americans». Only 37% oppose it. A tiny 5% have no opinion. That’s from a Gallup poll published 16 May 2016, «Majority in U.S. Support Idea of Fed-Funded Healthcare System».

These Eight Retailers Will File For Bankruptcy Next, According To Fitch

These Eight Retailers Will File For Bankruptcy Next, According To Fitch

The situation is rapidly deteriorating for America's "bricks and mortar" retailers. As discussed earlier this week, some 9 retail outlets have already filed for bankruptcy protection in 1Q 2017 alone according to Alix Partners.  That volume of filings matches the total number of retail bankruptcies for all of 2016 and puts the industry on pace to exceed even the 'great recession' highs.
