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Bannon Responds: "I Love A Gunfight"

Since it was revealed yesterday that Steve Bannon was removed from Trump's National Security Council, the mainstream media rumor mill has run wild with speculation over whether the transition was voluntary or a devastating blindside to a man once considered Trump's right-hand man. 

Not surprisingly, Bannon's 'official' statement, which suggested that his removal was simply a natural progression after Michael Flynn's dismissal and the appointment of General McMaster, did little to calm the rampant speculation of a rising civil war within the Trump administration.

According To The Media, All Victims of Terror Attacks Are Not Created Equal

According To The Media, All Victims of Terror Attacks Are Not Created Equal

Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

Many people who are conscious of the media’s biased coverage of terror attacks in different parts of the world usually frame the issue as one of outright racism. This is misguided, if not dishonest, given that social media erupted into a frenzy when the image of a drowned Syrian refugee went viral in 2015, suggesting people do occasionally care about dark-skinned people.

Kashkari Slams Dimon: "If Demand For Loans Is High, Why Are You Buying Back Your Stock?"

Kashkari Slams Dimon: "If Demand For Loans Is High, Why Are You Buying Back Your Stock?"

While Jamie Dimon made headlines with the warning that "something is wrong" with America, to which he dedicated a substantial portion of his latest annual letter to shareholders, a less discussed declaration by the JPM CEO was that the too-big-to-fail problem, one which clearly impacts his own bank, JP Morgan, has been solved.
