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Euro Saves Germany, Slaughters the PIGS, & Feeds the BLICS

Euro Saves Germany, Slaughters the PIGS, & Feeds the BLICS

Authored by Chris Hamilton via Econimica,

The change in nations Core populations (25-54yr/olds) have driven economic activity for the later half of the 20th century, first upward and now downward.  The Core is the working population, the family forming population, the child bearing population, the first home buying, and the credit happy primary consumer.  Even a small increase (or contraction) in their quantity drives economic activity magnitudes beyond what the numbers would indicate.

50% Of Americans Live Payday-To-Payday; 33% Can't Write A $500 Emergency Check

50% Of Americans Live Payday-To-Payday; 33% Can't Write A $500 Emergency Check

It's been more than seven years since the 'great recession' officially ended, but while Fed policies have successfully generated massive asset bubbles which have accrued solely to the benefit of America's wealthiest, the majority of American families remain as vulnerable to financial disaster as they were during the height of the crisis.

Cyber Firm Behind “Russian Hacking” Claims Has Ties To Soros-Supported Think Tank

Cyber Firm Behind “Russian Hacking” Claims Has Ties To Soros-Supported Think Tank

Via Disobedient Media

The cyber firm Crowdstrike has been one of the main proponents of allegations that Russia interfered in the 2016 American presidential elections using their cyber capabilities. The analysis performed by Crowdstrike was relied on almost exclusively by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to establish their claims of "Russian hacking."
