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Dick Cheney Says Russian Meddling in American Election Could Be Considered 'An Act of War'

Congratulations democrats! This is the moment in your life when you come to realize you've become one and the same as everything you've always hated about humanity. You and Dick Cheney, professional neocon war monger, are in agreement that Russia waged war against America this past election, by way of hacking into John Podesta's email box and then providing that information to Wikileaks to publish and help humiliate an already beleaguered democratic party.

Schiff Calls On House Intel Chair To Recuse Himself From Russia Probe; Nunes Refuses

Schiff Calls On House Intel Chair To Recuse Himself From Russia Probe; Nunes Refuses

Update: Nunes has refused to step down from the Russia probe, The Hill reports. The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee told reporters Monday evening he will not step down from the committee's investigation into Russia's interference in the United States presidential election, despite a chorus of Democratic lawmakers demanding he recuse himself. 

"Everything is politics here," Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said, as reported by a journalist from Voice of America.

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