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Turkish Hackers Threaten To Wipe Millions Of iPhones; Demand Ransom From Apple

Turkish Hackers Threaten To Wipe Millions Of iPhones; Demand Ransom From Apple

Apple can't seem to catch a break lately.  Yesterday we noted the latest WikiLeaks release which exposed yet another CIA spying scandal, this time revolving around efforts to bug "factory fresh" iPhones before they even reach the hands of consumers (see "Wikileaks Releases "NightSkies 1.2": Proof CIA Bugs "Factory Fresh" iPhones").

Christian Malanga: New Government Could Free the Congo and Provide Vast Opportunity for Investors

Christian Malanga: New Government Could Free the Congo and Provide Vast Opportunity for Investors

Via The Daily Bell

When he ran as an opposition candidate for parliament in 2011, Christian Malanga, President of the United Congolese Party, was arrested just days before the election, and held prisoner for almost two weeks. Why?

Because I was preaching what was right, rule of law, reforming government, and bringing change to the Congo. It was the principles I believed in, and what I said, that the people are starving. I was trying to empower the women and young men, the youth, and the authority did not like that, they want people to be kept in the dark.

“Our Western Values” No Longer Exist

“Our Western Values” No Longer Exist

Paul Craig Roberts

Let’s be honest. The US attack on Mosul, Iraq, is not an attack on ISIS. It it a repeat of Israel’s operation Cast Lead in Gaza. The purpose is to kill as many Muslims for Israel as possible. Here is the evidence:

Russophobia - Symptom Of US Implosion

Russophobia - Symptom Of US Implosion

Authored by Finian Cunningha, via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

There was a time when Russophobia served as an effective form of population control – used by the American ruling class in particular to command the general US population into patriotic loyalty. Not any longer. Now, Russophobia is a sign of weakness, of desperate implosion among the US ruling class from their own rotten, internal decay.
