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Survey Says... Ignore The Hard Data At Your Peril

Survey Says... Ignore The Hard Data At Your Peril

Authored by Michael Pento via,

Surveys of both consumers and businesses show there is an extreme level of confidence regarding future GDP growth. Consumer confidence is now at its highest level since 2001. Small and medium-sized business owners, the driving force of growth in the economy, appear downright giddy; as the NFIB Small Business Optimism Index recently soared to its highest level since 2004.

Comey: "The Russians Concluded Trump Was Hopeless Last August"

It appears that Russia fell for the same ruse that much of America, not to mention its press and punditry, was taken by, at least according to the FBI director: believing US polls. 

During his hearing before the House Intel Panel, FBI Director James Comey said that the Russians expected Hillary Clinton to win the presidency over Donald Trump as of August and September.

CEO Pay Soars In 2016 As Employee Wages Continue To Stagnate

CEO Pay Soars In 2016 As Employee Wages Continue To Stagnate

CEO pay increases took a brief pause in 2015 dropping to a paltry median of just $10.8 million with most getting a pay cut or a raise of less than 1.5%.  But, as the Wall Street Journal points out this morning, the CEO's of America can once again rest assured that their families will not starve to death as 2016 pay soared nearly 7% setting a post-recession record.

Billionaire Banker David Rockefeller, Former Head Of Chase Manhattan, Dies At 101

Billionaire Banker David Rockefeller, Former Head Of Chase Manhattan, Dies At 101

David Rockefeller, the famous banker and philanthropist with the family name that controlled Chase Manhattan bank for more than a decade and wielded vast influence around the world in the world of finance, has died on Monday morning at his home in Pocantico Hills, N.Y. He was 101.

A family spokesman, Fraser P. Seitel, confirmed the death.

Below is an exccerpt of his obituary from the NYT:
