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Russian Parliament Launches Investigation Of "CNN And Other American Media"

Russian Parliament Launches Investigation Of "CNN And Other American Media"

A few days ago Jeanne Shaheen, a Democratic Senator from New Hampshire, introduced a piece of legislation that would give the Department of Justice "new authority" to investigate potential violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act by the 'Russian Times'.  Among other things, Shaheen said the legislation was necessary to determine whether "RT News is coordinating with the Russian government to spread misinformation and undermine our democratic process."  We won't even bother to touch on the inherent hypocrisy of such a statement, but here is the press release from Sh

Trump Administration Rolls Back Obama Protections On Student Loans...Sorry, Snowflakes

Trump Administration Rolls Back Obama Protections On Student Loans...Sorry, Snowflakes

Just days after reports emerged that student loan defaults are soaring, which is undoubtedly due to some combination of, among other things, poor job prospects for the millions of snowflakes who graduate each year with their $200,000 educations in anthropology and the moral hazard created by liberal politicians constantly calling for student debts to be 'forgiven' (a.k.a. forcefully jammed down the throats of taxpayers), the Trump administration has revoked rules put in place by Obama that barred student debt collectors from charging penalty fees on past-due loans.

9/11 Widow Questions Trump: "America First Or Saudi Arabia First?

9/11 Widow Questions Trump: "America First Or Saudi Arabia First?

Authored by Kristen Breitweiser via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Dear President Trump,

This week you met with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. 

As a 9/11 widow who has fought for more than 15 years for truth, justice, accountability and transparency with regard to the murder of my husband, Ron, I have a considerable interest in your meeting with the Deputy Crown Prince.
