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A Burgeoning Growth Engine for Costco: Wanton Alcoholism

A Burgeoning Growth Engine for Costco: Wanton Alcoholism

Costco has to be the single best retail business in the world. A new Costco just opened in area and I signed up for their 'executive' membership card, which is something that I feel wholly ridiculous -- but I did so nevertheless.

In order to attain the privilege of shopping there, customers must pay an annual fee. In an era where every retailer is tripping over themselves to attract customers, this concept isn't dually brilliant and absurd.

Paul Craig Roberts Warns "Revolutions Are Bloody, But So Is Doing Nothing"

Paul Craig Roberts Warns "Revolutions Are Bloody, But So Is Doing Nothing"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Graeme MacQueen, a university professor in Canada, calls attention to the American left’s inability to exercise imagination with regard to the reports of the Warren Commission and the 9/11 Commission. A collection of individuals and publications, somehow regarded as leftwing, has proven to be active agents for the conspiratorial state against true dissent.

See Where Immigrants Out-Earn US-Born Citizens

America is a nation built by (legal) immigrants, and on the premise that anyone can make it to the top. While that may be true, most new arrivals find themselves starting at the bottom of the pile. As details, right across the country, households headed by persons born outside the U.S. earn less than households run by native-born Americans. But that wage gap varies widely per state, from close to $20,000 to less than $1,000. And in some places, the gap is even reversed, in favor of the immigrant households.

Pedophile Senator Charged With Child Rape

Pedophile Senator Charged With Child Rape

An Oklahoma State Senator has been charged with child rape after being caught in a motel room with a child prostitute.  State Senator Ralph Shorey was charged on Thursday, just one day after the Oklahoma Senate voted to pass a resolution to suspend all of his privileges as a politician. His arrest comes amid a huge federal crackdown on government pedophile rings and child trafficking in America.
