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Judicial Watch Sues DOJ Over Bill Clinton’s Secret Meeting With Loretta Lynch

Judicial Watch Sues DOJ Over Bill Clinton’s Secret Meeting With Loretta Lynch

Judicial Watch are suing the Department of Justice to release all records detailing former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s meeting with Bill Clinton in the midst of Hillary Clinton’s email investigation last June.  The conservative watchdog said it was forced to file the suit after the DOJ failed to respond to a request disclosing all records and transcripts of the meeting between the two. Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch both met onboard a private plane at Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix in June 2016 during the FBI’s ongoing investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server.

War-profiteers Trying To Influence Dems To Push Trump Into More Wars

War-profiteers Trying To Influence Dems To Push Trump Into More Wars

The royalty-of-war-for-profit Kagans are counting on Democrats and liberals to be the foot soldiers in the new neocon campaign to push Republicans and President Trump into more “regime change” wars. The Kagan family is America’s pro-war neoconservative aristocracy and is making a comeback after a letdown over not gaining its self-entitled influence from the election of Hillary Rodham Clinton and from its loss of official power at the start of the Trump presidency. The Family Kagan now is pushing for an expanded U.S.

Mexico's Presidential Frontrunner Blasts Trump's "Neofascism"; Says "Can't Wait To Redo NAFTA"

Mexico's Presidential Frontrunner Blasts Trump's "Neofascism"; Says "Can't Wait To Redo NAFTA"

Last month we wrote about "Mexico's Fiery, Trump-Like Populist Who Looks Increasingly Likely To Win The Presidency In 2018."  As we noted before, Pena Nieto’s PRI party, which has held power for most of Mexico’s modern history, has seen its popularity eroded in recent months due to a series of corruption scandals, surging gasoline prices and a perception among Mexican voters that Pena Nieto himself has been too soft in combatting an aggressive Trump Presidency.
