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Carson Block: "The Possibility Of US Default Is Greater Than Anyone Seems To Realize"

Carson Block: "The Possibility Of US Default Is Greater Than Anyone Seems To Realize"

Authored by Carson Block via,

Euphoria has been pervasive in the stock market since the election. But investors seem to be overlooking the risk of a U.S. government default resulting from a failure by Congress to raise the debt ceiling. The possibility is greater than anyone seems to realize, even with a supposedly unified government.

Hillary Ally Offers $5 Million Reward For Trump's "Complete, Legally Obtained Tax Returns"

Hillary Ally Offers $5 Million Reward For Trump's "Complete, Legally Obtained Tax Returns"

Following last night's embarrassing and widely mocked 'leak' of Trump's 2005 tax return by "Fake News" MSNBC, which seemingly only served to prove that Trump made a lot of money and paid a lot of taxes, long-time Hillary ally David Brock has offered a $5 million reward for anyone who can deliver his "complete, legally obtained tax returns."

"More questions than answers tonight. I'm offering a $5m reward to anyone with Trump's complete, legally obtained tax returns."

Canada Flagged For Recession By BIS

Canada Flagged For Recession By BIS

Authored by Caleb McMillan via,

As if Canadians needed more proof that the country’s real estate is in a bubble, and that this misallocation has spread to other sectors of the economy, the Bank of International Settlements released its latest quarterly confirming what any critical observer can see: binging on debt is rarely a good idea.

Canada’s debt-to-GDP gap is widening and even the central bank of central banks is concerned.

What Wage Growth? Real Earnings Tumble For Second Straight Month

What Wage Growth? Real Earnings Tumble For Second Straight Month

Despite the surge in consumer confidence and exuberance at what lies ahead, real wages for America's average joes declined year-over-year in February (down 0.3%). This is the first consecutive monthly drop in real wages since 2011 (which forced Bernanke to to hint at and then unleash QE2 later that year).



So not only is The Fed hiking into the weakest GDP growth outlook since 1987, noiw they are hiking into declining real wage growth (something tht has previously driven The Fed to a massvely dovish stance).
