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12 Million Americans Are About To Get An Artificial Boost To Their FICO Scores

12 Million Americans Are About To Get An Artificial Boost To Their FICO Scores

Back in August 2014, we reported that in what appeared a suspicious attempt to boost the pool of eligible, credit-worthy mortgage recipients, Fair Isaac, the company behind the crucial FICO score that determines every consumer's credit rating, "will stop including in its FICO credit-score calculations any record of a consumer failing to pay a bill if the bill has been paid or settled with a collection agency.

The Empire Should Be Placed On Suicide Watch

Via The Saker,

In all the political drama taking place in the USA as a result of the attempted color revolution against Trump, the bigger picture sometimes gets forgotten. And yet, this bigger picture is quite amazing, because if we look at it we will see irrefutable signs that the Empire in engaged in some bizarre slow motion of seppuku and the only mystery left is who, or what, will serve as the Empire’s kaishakunin (assuming there will be one).

Robots Deployed To Fight Crime In Shopping Malls

Robots Deployed To Fight Crime In Shopping Malls

A new batch of security robots equipped with tools to “fight crime” will soon be deployed to shopping malls in America in an effort to help police tackle the problem. Knightscope showcased crime-fighting robots last week at Arlington Police Department for the University of Texas. The company unveiled its K5 droids – robots that are four-foot-tall with electric blue lights and a white bullet-shaped body,  designed to police indoor venues. It’s sibling, the K5, a taller variation and with a slightly heavier frame, is designed to patrol outdoors.

Clinton Campaign Caught Schmoozing With Russian Ambassador

Clinton Campaign Caught Schmoozing With Russian Ambassador

Vladimir Putin’s spokesman has confirmed that the Clinton Campaign met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak multiple times.  In an interview with CNN, Dmitry Peskov expressed concern and frustration that the mainstream media in America was obsessed on Trumps alleged ties to Russia whilst turning a blind eye to Clinton’s ties. “Well, if you look at some people connected with Hillary Clinton during her campaign, you would probably see that he had lots of meetings of that kind,” Dmitry Peskov told CNN’s GPS host Fareed Zakaria.
