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Is Mike Pence The Deep State's Insurance Policy?

Authored by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

Last month, Anti-Media reported on leaked intelligence that forcibly ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn from the Trump administration. Flynn’s successor,  General H.R. McMaster, is far more hawkish, and in comparison to Flynn, takes a much more anti-Russian stance. It isn’t too much of a stretch to assume McMaster’s job will be secure if he continues to perpetuate the anti-Russian narrative we have become so familiar with in recent decades.

Bill Clinton Warns Divisive Politics Are "Taking The World To The Edge Of Destruction"

Bill Clinton Warns Divisive Politics Are "Taking The World To The Edge Of Destruction"

In his first public appearance since his wife's catastrophic loss in the presidential election, former President Bill Clinton appears to have gone off-script once again warning repeatedly against "us versus them" thinking that he said has become such an active part of politics in America, in the Brexit vote, in the Philippines and throughout Europe.

American Men Are Giving Up On Jobs

American Men Are Giving Up On Jobs


I’ve written about this before, but there are 10 million American males between the age of 24 and 64 who have literally dropped out of the workforce. It means that they have given up on finding a job or are simply not looking.

But, focusing on just one subset among those who are 24–64, we see that white working-class males’ labor force participation rate has dropped to 59%.

Is A Korean Missile Crisis Ahead?

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

To back up Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis’ warning last month, that the U.S. “remains steadfast in its commitment” to its allies, President Donald Trump is sending B-1 and B-52 bombers to Korea.

Some 300,000 South Korean and 15,000 U.S. troops have begun their annual Foal Eagle joint war exercises that run through April.
