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China As A Superpower: "They Will Not Be Humiliated Again"

China As A Superpower: "They Will Not Be Humiliated Again"

Via Erico Matias Tavares of Sinclair & Co.,

China as a Superpower – An Interview with Prof. Toshi Yoshihara

Dr. Toshi Yoshihara is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA) in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining CSBA, he held the John A. van Beuren Chair of Asia-Pacific Studies and was an affiliate member of the China Maritime Studies Institute at the Naval War College, where he taught strategy for ten years.

Republicans' Consumer Confidence Is At 9 Year Highs (Democrats Not So Much)

Republicans' Consumer Confidence Is At 9 Year Highs (Democrats Not So Much)

Bloomberg's consumer comfort index surged to the highest level since its peak in February 2007. However, while Republicans are the happiest since 2008, Democrats' confidence is collapsing...


But the divided America is extremely evident. Republican consumers in America have not been this 'comfortable' since January 2008, Democrats are the least 'comfortable' in 10 months.

Illinois State Senator Pushes Bill Allowing Government To Confiscate Guns Without Due Process

Illinois State Senator Pushes Bill Allowing Government To Confiscate Guns Without Due Process

Via Daniel Lang of,

There are people in our government who are determined to chip away at our Second Amendment rights, and they are an insidious bunch.

Rarely do they make blatant gun grabbing attempts. Typically they push for policies that quietly set back gun rights. They like laws that merely set precedents without alarming the public, and they’ve been doing it successfully for decades.

"It Can Only Disappoint" - What Wall Street Expects From Friday's Payrolls Report

"It Can Only Disappoint" - What Wall Street Expects From Friday's Payrolls Report

Following Wednesday's blowout ADP report, which printed some 40K jobs higher than the highest estimate, the only possibility for tomorrow's nonfarm payroll report, the last major economic data point before the Fed's March 15th rate hike announcement, is to disappoint, especially in terms of wages (which in light of the recent downward revision of Q1 GDP by the Atlanta Fed to 1.2% is not out of the question). That possibility, however, is slim to none if one looks at Wall Street's forecasts, where virtually every sellside analyst boosted their NFP estimate in the hours after the ADP number.
