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If You Think Your Job Is One That Cannot Be Automated, You're In For A Rude Awakening

If You Think Your Job Is One That Cannot Be Automated, You're In For A Rude Awakening

Via Duane of,

It is pretty accepted knowledge that a number of lower-skilled jobs will disappear in the coming 5-10 years, due to the human element being replaced by autonomous machines. 

One of the most at-risk professions is that of Truck Driver, which as 13D Research points out, is one of the no.1 reasons you rarely (if ever) hear President Trump discuss automation in the workplace:

The Beginning Of The End Of Calm Bond Markets

The Beginning Of The End Of Calm Bond Markets

Via Kevin Muir of The Macro Tourist blog,

Although the market is convinced the Federal Reserve will get aggressive with their rate hikes, I am not sure market participants have thought this through. Let’s not forget the Federal Reserve is sitting on the largest balance sheet in history.

This portfolio is the result of years of Quantitative Easing. It was made riskier with the Fed’s “Operation Twist” that extended the duration of their balance sheet by buying long dated securities while selling shorter ones.
