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Food Crisis - The Greatest Threat To Social Stability

Food Crisis - The Greatest Threat To Social Stability

Via Jeff Thomas of,

Recently, I was in a pharmacy and overheard the pharmacist say to someone, “There’s so much unpleasantness on the news these days, I’ve stopped watching.” The pharmacist has my sympathy. I’d love to be able to ignore the deterioration of the First World. It is, at turns, tedious, depressing, disturbing, and infuriating.

Arizona Challenges The Fed's Money Monopoly

Via Ron Paul of The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

History shows that, if individuals have the freedom to choose what to use as money, they will likely opt for gold or silver.

Of course, modern politicians and their Keynesian enablers despise the gold or silver standard. This is because linking a currency to a precious metal limits the ability of central banks to finance the growth of the welfare-warfare state via the inflation tax. This forces politicians to finance big government much more with direct means of taxation.

Frontrunning: March 6

  • Geopolitics, Deutsche Bank drag global stocks lower (Reuters)
  • Deutsche Bank Turnaround Plan Gets Mixed Reaction (BBG)
  • Conservative Groups Jeopardize GOP Plan to Repeal Health Law (WSJ)
  • Russian Hackers Seek Hush Money From Liberal U.S. Groups (BBG)
  • Automakers Near a Victory on Rollback of Fuel Standards (NYT)
  • Brought Down by Long Bust, Texas Oilmen Pray for Another Boom (WSJ)
  • General Motors Waves Goodbye to Europe (BBG)
  • PSA targets Opel turnaround as GM exits Europe (Reuters)

In WSJ Op-Ed, Peter Navarro Writes Deficits "Could Put US National Security In Jeopardy"

In WSJ Op-Ed, Peter Navarro Writes Deficits "Could Put US National Security In Jeopardy"

At the end of January, the Euro soared following an FT piece in which Trump's trade advisor and director of the White House National Trade Council, Peter Navarro, launched what was then seen as the first shot in the transatlantic trade wars, when he accused Germany of using a “grossly undervalued” euro to "exploit the US and its EU partners", comments which triggered alarms in Europe’s largest economy.
