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Middlebury Professor Assaulted, Injured While Escorting Conservative Speaker

Middlebury Professor Assaulted, Injured While Escorting Conservative Speaker

In the latest literal assault on free speech at an allegedly tolerant educational institution, a Middlebury College professor was injured by protesters on Thursday evening as she was escorting a controversial speaker from campus. She was treated at Porter Hospital and released, the Addison County Independent reported.

The night's event unfolded in two parts.

What Is To Be Done? — Paul Craig Roberts


What Is To Be Done?

Paul Craig Roberts

The question in the title is V.I. Lenin’s question. His answer was to create a revolutionary “vanguard” to spread revolutionary ideas among the workers, the economic class that Karl Marx had declared to be the class rising to the ascendency of political power. Finally, democracy, frustrated by upper class interests in its earlier manifestations, would become reality. The workers would rule.

Is The Tyranny Of A Cashless Society Coming?

Via Capt. William E Simpson of,

Like many people, I am a careful person when it comes to digital commerce, yet nonetheless I had two of my credit cards hacked (twice in the last four years) — one time by a supposedly reliable online retail company, another time when I rented a trailer. And both times, it required an incredible amount of time, police reports, phone calls, etc., just to get back to square one and get my money back.

How To Counter Leftist Violence While Maintaining The Moral High Ground

How To Counter Leftist Violence While Maintaining The Moral High Ground

Via Brandon Smith of,

Social division is an undeniable reality of human existence; it is also not necessarily a negative aspect of human existence. The moment a society is forced or manipulated into blindly agreeing on everything is the moment that society begins to die and the future of mankind in general becomes rather bleak. Ideas need to be tested, they need to be scrutinized and they need to be verified, perpetually. That said, there are right ways and wrong ways of doing this.

Navy Punishes "Special Warfare Unit" For Flying Trump Flag In Military Convoy

Navy Punishes "Special Warfare Unit" For Flying Trump Flag In Military Convoy

About a month ago the Naval Special Warfare Group 2 of Virginia Beach set the Twittersphere ablaze after video surfaced of their military convoy flying a Trump flag on their lead vehicle.

Photos and videos of the 'event' quickly spread around the internet and prompted a full Navy investigation into the incident.  Here's a photo of the convoy:


And here is the original video that made the rounds, complete with the full commentary of an obviously emotionally scarred Hillary voter.
