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Trump Speech Post-Mortem - From Rebellion To Pouting Pelosi: "We Bleed The Same Blood"

Trump Speech Post-Mortem - From Rebellion To Pouting Pelosi: "We Bleed The Same Blood"

Just under 70 minutes, 4,825 words, and the message was clear - the speech was about "will" and "Americans"

Additionally "Obamacare" was mentioned 5 times, "Historic" was mentioned 3 times, and "massive" twice.


President Trump's Address To Congress: Key Highlights And Full Text

While the full Trump speech transcript is below, for those curious only in the key economic/trade excerpt, it is laid out below:

My economic team is developing historic tax reform that will reduce the tax rate on our companies so they can compete and thrive anywhere and with anyone. At the same time, we will provide massive tax relief for the middle class. We must create a level playing field for American companies and workers.


"Time For Small-Thinking Is Over": President Trump's First Address To Congress - Live Feed

"Time For Small-Thinking Is Over": President Trump's First Address To Congress - Live Feed

"It's T-Day" as one trader put it this morning. President Trump will address a joint session of Congress tonight for the first time as president in a much anticipated speech in which he will tell lawmakers the “time for small thinking is over,” and “the time for trivial fights is behind us,” as he lays out his policy agenda.

The Guardian reports that in a contrast to Trump’s gloomy inauguration day “American carnage” speech, the mood this evening is expected to be lighter.

Trump Speech Excerpts Leaked: Few Details, Promises Of "Historic" Tax Reform, "Massive" Tax Cuts

Yesterday we asked in lieu of actual details in today's Trump speech, what adjective(s) would Trump pick to spark S&P and USDJPY momentum igniition algos, while overemphasizing his fiscal plan and deflecting from the lack of substance:

US-Backed Siege Of Mosul Shows How The Hypocritical Media Manipulates Us

US-Backed Siege Of Mosul Shows How The Hypocritical Media Manipulates Us

Via Darius Shahtahmasebi of,

In order to determine the truth when it comes to the mainstream media’s coverage of American-led offensives in the Middle East, be sure to scroll down to the bottom of any article. This is where the most important information can be found. As can be seen in a BBC report on the U.S.-backed offensive to retake the Iraqi city of Mosul from the Islamic State, the last line of the article reads:
