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Former CIA Agent Explains Why He Resigned Because Of Trump

Edward Price worked at the CIA from 2006 until this month, most recently as the spokesman for the National Security Council.


But, as he details below in a letter published by The Washington Post, he has officially resigned "to be clear, my decision had nothing to do with politics," seemingly because the Trump Administration is "tuning out the intelligence professionals."

Florida Teacher "Reassigned" After Facebook Post Praising Trump On Immigration

Florida Teacher "Reassigned" After Facebook Post Praising Trump On Immigration

A Florida computer lab teacher, Veronica Fleming, at the predominately Latino Parkside Elementary School in Naples, Florida, had her job "reassigned" after she made the mistake of publicly supporting Trump's immigration policies over Facebook.  Apparently irked by all the "Day Without Immigrants" protests around the country (see "'Without Us, Your Country Is Paralyzed' - Undocumented Workers Plan Boycott 'Day Without Immigrants'"), Fleming wrote a post on her Facebook account that she was "so glad to hear about massive deportation."

Viewing the Media's Racism Through a Different Filter

Viewing the Media's Racism Through a Different Filter

Pandering to demographic shifts, the democratic party has made the white male persona non grata in America. In fact, through their media shills, they've made him, and all white people for that matter, the horrible target for overt and hateful racism. This brand of putrid behavior should never be acceptable by civilized people. It wasn't right when white people were doing it to blacks in the past and it's not right for white people to be doing it to white people now.

Princeton Historian: World War III Serious Threat

A Princeton University professor has warned of the imminent threat of world war III. Economic historian Harold James, who specialises in the history of Germany and European economic history, says the world is facing similar conditions that led to two previous world wars. Protectionism and exclusion is the word of the day in America. That could lead to armed conflict between east and west. While President Trump carries on from where Obama left off and turns the heat on China and Russia, the two long-time former enemies of the U.S.

Michael Moore Launches Website Inciting Anti-Trump Riots

62-year-old activist Michael Moore has launched a website inciting Anti-Trump riots across America in order to oust the President from office.  On his Facebook page, Moore announced the launch of the “Resistance Calendar” website – a site which supports any kind of legal or illegal anti-Trump event in America. reports: “GOOD NEWS FRIENDS,” Moore wrote in the lengthy post.
