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New DHS Memos Reveal That Almost Anyone Living In The US Illegally Is Now Subject To Deportation

The Department of Homeland Security released on Tuesday documents translating President Trump’s executive orders on immigration and border security into policy, providing details on how it will prosecute undocumented immigrants and criminal immigrants, repealing nearly all of the Obama administration's guidances, and bringing a major shift in the way the agency enforces the nation’s immigration laws.

Bannon Breaks With Pence, Delivers Warning To Europe

Two days ago, when describing the two opposing foreign policy tracks emerging within Trump's administration (which led to disappointment inside Russia, which was hoping for a more aggressive detente between Putin and Trump), we said that "there are two clear axes developing within the Trump administration: a Pence/Mattis/Haley foreign policy and a Trump/Bannon/Miller foreign policy."

New Protest Idiocy Lows: "Resisting" By Not Paying Federal Taxes

New Protest Idiocy Lows: "Resisting" By Not Paying Federal Taxes

Submitted by Duane via Fre Market Shooter blog,

If you thought the last round of protest idiocy was counterproductive, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.  Just when you think they’ve hit rock bottom, the liberal protests hit new lows.  The Guardian recently published an article detailing a revival in “tax resistance,” which is a practice of not paying your taxes to “resist” government:
