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"Fake Data": Economists Concerned Trump Administration Will Adopt 'Alternative' Economic Facts

"Fake Data": Economists Concerned Trump Administration Will Adopt 'Alternative' Economic Facts

Over the weekend we noted that the Trump administration was considering changing the U.S. trade deficit calculation to exclude re-exports from the US trade balance, a shift that would make America's trade gap appear even greater than it has been in recent years, potentially making future trade skirmishes and wars with America's export-heavy trade partners far more likely (see "White House May Change Calculation Of US Trade Deficit, Boosting Trade War Odds").

What Trump Should Do to Oust McCain

Via The Daily Bell


John McCain Becomes Critic in Chief of the Trump Administration ... Senator John McCain has long had a reputation as a political maverick. But with the rise of a president who has vowed to shatter the old order, Mr. McCain has emerged as an outspoken defender of longstanding Republican verities on foreign policy and as one of his party’s most biting critics of the new commander in chief. - New York Times

The NY Times Asks "How We Can Get Rid Of Trump?"

The NY Times Asks "How We Can Get Rid Of Trump?"

The always 'fair and balanced' New York Times' Nicholas Kristof (author of such 'real news' as "Donald Trump: Kremlin Employee of the Month?", "What Did Trump Know, and When Did He Know It?" and "Donald Trump: The Russian Poodle") has outdone himself with this week's 'opinion' piece, asking "We’re just a month into the Trump presidency, and already so many are wondering: How can we end it?"
