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"Welcome To Democracy" SecDef Mattis Confirms Military Steadfast Amid White House Chaos

"Welcome To Democracy" SecDef Mattis Confirms Military Steadfast Amid White House Chaos

Amid implicit acknowledgement of turmoil in The White House, Trump's Defense Secretary Jim Mattis reassured the world that the US military was "not in disarray", but was "holding the line" as government "sorts out the way ahead."

After shrugging off President Trump's 'media as enemy' narrative:


These Are Times Of General Corruption

Submitted by Jesse via Jesse's Cafe Americain blog,

"And I'll leave you with one set of numbers that I found today, which is just an absolute for this whole thing. In 2015, Wall Street Bonuses, not regular compensation, bonuses, seven years after they were bailed out with the public purse, totaled $29.4 billion dollars. Total compensation paid to every single person in this country who makes minimum wage totaled $14 billion...


The era of neo-liberalism is over. The era of neo-nationalism has just begun."

White House May Change Calculation Of US Trade Deficit, Boosting Trade War Odds

White House May Change Calculation Of US Trade Deficit, Boosting Trade War Odds

In the latest surprising announcement to emerge from the Trump White House, the WSJ reports that the Trump administration is considering changing the way the U.S. trade deficit is calculated, a shift that would make America's trade gap appear even greater than it has been in recent years, potentially making future trade skirmishes and wars with America's export-heavy trade partners far more likely. 

The AP Asked Trump's Supporters How Feel About His War With The Press: This Is What It Found

While vocal critics of Donald Trump, many of them members of the media, saw in Trump's Thursday news conference, Friday tweet in which he claimed the press was the "enemy of the American people", and subsequent Saturday campaign speech, a combative, thin-skinned chief executive who continues to blame the media for the controversies roiling his administration, his supporters saw something else entirely: a champion of Middle America who is taking on the establishment and making good on his campaign promises to put the country first.

Child Rapist Roman Polanski Vows To Return To America

Child rapist Roman Polanski says he plans to return to the United States as long as the government assures him that he will not have to serve jail time for his crimes. The award-winning director has asked the U.S. government, via his attorney Harland Braun, to confirm that he will not have to serve prison time for unlawfully having sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977. Yahoo News reports: Braun has written to Los Angeles County Superior Court judge Scott Gordon to unseal a secret transcript of the testimony of the prosecutor in the Polanski case, which he believes will confirm the deal.
