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The Great Wailing

The Great Wailing

Authored by Bonner & Partners' Bill Bonner, annotated by Acting-Man's Pater Tenebrarum,

Regret and Suffering

BALTIMORE – Victoribus spolia

So far, the most satisfying thing about the Trump win has been the howls and whines coming from the establishment. Each appointment – some good, some bad from our perspective – has brought forth such heavy lamentations.


Oh no! Alaric the Visigoth is here! Hide the women and children! And don’t forget the vestal virgins, if you can find any…


Kyrgzstan's Central Bank Urges Citizens To Own Gold

Kyrgzstan's Central Bank Urges Citizens To Own Gold

"Gold can be stored for a long time and, despite the price fluctuations on international markets, it doesn’t lose its value for the population as a means of savings," Kyrgyzstan’s Central Bank Governor Tolkunbek Abdygulov said, "I’ll try to turn the dream into reality faster."

A landlocked nation perched between China and Kazakhstan is embarking on an experiment with little parallel worldwide: shifting savings from cattle to gold. As Bloomberg reports,

Trump Declares CNN, NYT, CBS, ABC And NBC Are "The Enemy of The American People"

Trump Declares CNN, NYT, CBS, ABC And NBC Are "The Enemy of The American People"


If you thought yesterday's press conference was "ranting and raving", it appears President Trump just turned the anti-'Fake news'-media amplifier up to '11', declaring  CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS , The New York Times (yet not The Washington Post) as "enemies of the American people".
