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How The Coming Wave Of Job Automation Will Affect You

How The Coming Wave Of Job Automation Will Affect You

Submitted by David Galland via The Passing Parade

One of the more interesting mental exercises related to predicting the future involves trying to fathom the impact the rise of robots will have on humanity.

We can be quite sure that in the proverbial blink, robots will be doing all the war fighting. After that, what’s the point? But does that then lead to the sort of robotic apocalypse so well envisioned in Terminator?

Recession Alert: Treasury Receipts Turn Negative For The First Time Since The Financial Crisis

Recession Alert: Treasury Receipts Turn Negative For The First Time Since The Financial Crisis

On the surface, today's monthly budget statement showed good news: in January the US Treasury brought in total receipts of $344 billion, versus outlays of only $293 billion, resulting in a surplus of $51 billion, substantially greater than the $40 billion expected (and well above last year's $28 billion deficit), a surplus which however was largely due to a law requiring the IRS to delay sending out tax refund checks to household claiming certain tax credits.

Iran Celebrates The 38th Anniversary Of Islamic Revolution

Millions are celebrating the 38th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran that toppled the Pahlavi dynasty. The celebrations are marked this year by tense relations with the US. Hundreds of thousands took to the streets of the capital Tehran on Friday. Some Iranians denounced US President Donald Trump’s recent statements regarding the Muslim state, while others thanked the United States for supporting Muslims.

Trump Is Man of the People or Man of the Police?

Via The Daily Bell 


Donald Trump signs executive order giving police more powers … The President has signed three orders to tackle ‘public safety’ moments after he swore in Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. -UK Independent

We were not aware that Donald Trump ran on a law and order platform. We know he wanted more checks and balances on immigration but that is a lot different that generally insisting on more law enforcement.
