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Trump And Abe Joint Press Conference: Highlights And Live Feed

Trump And Abe Joint Press Conference: Highlights And Live Feed

Update: the notable statements from Trump's prepared remarks:

  • Calls Japan a friend, 'steadfast ally' and says committed to security of Japan
  • Says seeking relationship that is free, fair and reciprocal.
  • Defending against North Korean nuclear threat is a "very, very, very" high priority
  • Thanks Japan for hosting our military

It is not clear what sparked the algos, but one of those keywords launched a mini USDJPY buying spike.

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"Death To America": Hundreds Of Thousands Of Iranians Rally To Protest Trump, Celebrate Islamic Revolution

"Death To America": Hundreds Of Thousands Of Iranians Rally To Protest Trump, Celebrate Islamic Revolution

Hundreds of thousands of Iranians rallied on Friday, taking to the streets of Tehran to celebrate the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution and denounce President Trump’s recent statements about Iran.

On the anniversary of Iran's 1979 Islamic Revolution which toppled the U.S.-backed House of Pahlavi, a flod of marchers, including hundreds of military personnel and policemen headed towards Tehran's Azadi (Freedom) Square. They carried "Death to America" banners and effigies of Trump, while a military police band played traditional Iranian revolutionary songs.

White House Told To Arrest George Soros

Thousands of American citizens are demanding that the White House issue an International Arrest Warrant for billionaire globalist George Soros.  A new petition has already gathered almost 6,000 signatures, putting it on course to receive the 100,000 signatures needed to receive an official response from the White House. reports: The petition states: George Soros is a menace to the free world and stands in the way of making America great again.
