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Frontrunning: February 7

  • Senate to Vote on DeVos Confirmation Amid Fiery Debate (WSJ)
  • Investors Cut Back on Commercial Property (WSJ)
  • Euro, European bonds unnerved by French politics (Reuters)
  • Trump’s Dodd-Frank Do-Over Diverted to Slow Lane (BBG)
  • In GOP, Divide Grows Over Pace of Obamacare Repeal (WSJ)
  • Syria Detains Opponents as It Reasserts Control (WSJ)
  • Gaga’s Halftime Drone Swarm Was Pretaped (BBG)
  • Tom Brady’s Missing Super Bowl Jersey Could Be Worth $500,000 (BBG)
  • The New Face of American Unemployment (BBG)

Paul Singer Warns About Chinese Economic Bubble

Paul Singer, founder and President of Elliot Management Corporation is known for being a skeptic of traditional market pundits. In his fourth quarter letter, he made several different predictions about the market. He acknowledged the highly unpredictable environment that we have highlighted before in our articles about Trump and the markets. The letter also contains a specific warning about the worsening situation in China.

Reality Check: "Immigration Can Never Be An Effective Way To Deal With The Suffering People Of The World"

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

The most oft cited reason by opponents of President Trump’s immigration policies for why America should open its borders to the millions of impoverished and persecuted individuals around the world often center around humanitarian reasons. As a rich country with plenty of land mass, we should be able to take in anyone and everyone who may be in need, right?

5 Signs We're Going To War

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

Is it possible that not everything is as it seems?

While the majority of America is being distracted by shiny things and manipulated into civil unrest over identity politics, Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple warns that an unprecedented push for war is underway.

It’s pretty clear that we’re being taken to war… A plan implemented by George W. Bush after 9/11… continued under Obama… and now kicked up a notch by our new President, Donald Trump. 
