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Media Launches "Full Frontal" Cover Attack On Trump Administration

Media Launches "Full Frontal" Cover Attack On Trump Administration

Notice a theme here?

Bloomberg BusinessWeek - (Insert hastily drafted, legally dubious, economically destabilizing executive order here)


TIME - Steve Bannon, The Great Manipulator


The Economist - An insurgent in the White House


Just lucky that America voted for this man through the constitutionally-defined electoral process and that a majority of Americans agree with his executive orders.

Albert Edwards: "Agree With Trump Or Not, He Seems Determined To Enact What He Promised"

Albert Edwards: "Agree With Trump Or Not, He Seems Determined To Enact What He Promised"

The latest strategist to step into the pro/anti-Trump fray, is one of the original permabears, SocGen's Albert Edwards, who in a Thursday note sided with Dan Loeb, and wrote that while the Donald Administration "might be a neo-liberal nightmare" if one strips away some of his more controversial rhetoric on immigration, "a lot of what he says on the economic front makes perfect sense to me."

Is The Kremlin Funding A Campaign That Undermines U.S. Fracking?

Submitted by Irina Slav via,

The recent National Intelligence Council report assessing the involvement of Russia in last year’s U.S. presidential elections spurred a flurry of media reports suggesting that Russia is heavily involved in anti-fracking campaigning. Some authors interpreted this involvement as a “propaganda effort”, while others claimed the Kremlin was financially backing anti-fracking groups in the U.S., without, however, providing any evidence for this claim.
