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Trump Regulatory Freeze Halts $180 Billion Of Proposed Obama Rules, New Study Shows

Trump Regulatory Freeze Halts $180 Billion Of Proposed Obama Rules, New Study Shows

On his first day in office, President Trump instructed Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, to send a memo to all executive agencies imposing a regulatory moratorium that effectively froze all pending rules and regulations proposed by the Obama administration on their way out of Washington D.C.  Now, accorded to a new study from the American Action Forum, that simple one-page memo from Priebus potentially saved Americans $180 billion.

Defending Travel Ban, Trump Lashes Out At GOP Critics McCain & Graham

Donald Trump has lashed out at Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham for criticizing his executive order placing a temporary travel ban on seven Muslim majority countries. Trump said that Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham “always” look to start World War three. …Senators should focus their energies on ISIS, illegal immigration and border security instead of always looking to start World War III. — Donald J.

Dollar Dumps After Trump Accuses China, Japan Of "Planning Money Markets"

Dollar Dumps After Trump Accuses China, Japan Of "Planning Money Markets"

It appears America's 'strong dollar policy' is over. President Trump just commented that "other countries take advantage of America by devaluation," and then Trump directly named China and Japan as "planning money markets," presumably implying manipulation.

And the reaction in the dollar is clear...


Erasing all the post-ECB, post-Fed gains...


The Dollar Index has broken a key trendline...


Trump Mocks Pelosi And "Fake Tears Chuck Schumer" Protest As A "Mess - Just Like Dem Party"

Last night, Nancy Pelosi and "Fake Tears Chuck Schumer" held a protest at the Supreme Court over Trump's recent immigration ban which has sparked mass protests around the country and ultimately led to the firing of the acting Attorney General Sally Yates last night.

Unfortunately, there were some logistical issues with the protest which Trump has seized upon this morning via Twitter:
