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Iran Bans US Visitors In Retaliation

Iran Bans US Visitors In Retaliation

One of the most vocal, and angry, reactions to Trump's anti-immigration executive order came from Iran whose foreign ministry, as noted previously, vowed to take reciprocal measures, as the Iranian government called the ban "an insult to the Muslim world." Tehran did not waste any time, and shortly after Iran said it would ban U.S. citizens entering the country in retaliation to Washington's visa ban against the nation.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

World Leaders Slam Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’

Politicians, rights groups and activists from around the world have criticized US president Donald Trump’s crackdown on refugee and visitors from Muslim-majority countries. European leaders, along with the United Nations and international groups slammed Trump’s new executive orders against refugees and travellers from several countries across the Middle East and North Africa. In America, Democrats also condemned Trump’s orders, saying it would tarnish the country’s reputation.

"Chaos, Panic, Anger, Lawsuits" - The Fallout From Trump's Refugee Ban Begins

"Chaos, Panic, Anger, Lawsuits" - The Fallout From Trump's Refugee Ban Begins

Trump's sweeping, and immediately enforced ban on people seeking refuge in the United States and visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries which will last at least three months has caused what Reuters dubs "chaos, panic and anger" - as well as lawsuits - not only among travelers on Saturday - with some denied entry to the US and turned back from U.S.-bound flights - but also among US allies such as France and Germany.
