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Trump Properties Around The Globe Just Became Priority Terror Targets, Experts Say

Trump Properties Around The Globe Just Became Priority Terror Targets, Experts Say

Just this morning a "progressive" watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), filed a lawsuit in the Southern District of New York alleging that President Trump is violating the constitution by owning business interests around the globe that are receiving payments from foreign governments (we covered it here:  "Ethics Group Will Sue Trump On Monday Over Foreign Government Payments"). 

Kunstler Warns "We Are Repeating The Greatest Misallocation Of Resources In The History Of The World"

Submitted by Adam Taggart via,

James Howard Kunstler returns to the podcast this week, observing that despite the baton being handed to a new American president, the massive predicaments we face as a society remain the same. And it seems the incoming administration is just as in denial of them as the old.

USD Dumps After Treasury Sec Nominee Mnuchin Warns Of "Excessively Strong" Dollar

USD Dumps After Treasury Sec Nominee Mnuchin Warns Of "Excessively Strong" Dollar

In Treasury Secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin's written responses to Senate questions, he made it clear that the "strong dollar" policy may not always be his priority as he noted "an excessively strong dollar may be negative in the short-term."

“The strength of the dollar has historically been tied to the strength of the U.S. economy and the faith that investors have in doing business in America,” Mnuchin said in written responses to questions from U.S. senators obtained by Bloomberg News.

