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How Rising Rates Are Hurting America's Largest Mortgage Lender, In One Chart

How Rising Rates Are Hurting America's Largest Mortgage Lender, In One Chart

While one can argue that both JPM and Bank of America posted results that were ok, with some aspects doing better than expected offset by weakness elsewhere, even if moments ago JPM stock just hit an all time high, there was little to redeem the report from the scandal-ridden largest mortgage lender in America, Wells Fargo.

50 Years Of Teaching Math In 'Exceptional' America

50 Years Of Teaching Math In 'Exceptional' America

How America became 'exceptional'...


Source: The Burning Platform

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Of course, as we noted previously, our system of education is not entirely to blame.  The truth is that young Americans spend far more time consuming media than they do hitting the books, and what passes for “entertainment” these days is rapidly turning their brains to mush.

According to a report put out by Nielsen, this is how much time the average American spends consuming media on various devices each day…

Obama's "Farewell To Arms" As War Presidency Ends

Submitted by Finian Cunningham via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

Eight straight years of warmongering come to an end as US President Barack Obama bows out with his «farewell to the nation» speech this week, as fawning American media dubbed his valediction.

In reality, Obama’s outgoing address should have been billed as a «farewell to arms» made by arguably one of the most belligerent presidents to ever have occupied the White House.

China Daily: Tillerson's "Disastrous" Actions Would Set The Course For A "Devastating Confrontation"

China Daily: Tillerson's "Disastrous" Actions Would Set The Course For A "Devastating Confrontation"

We were surprised by how contained China was this morning after yesterday's confirmation hearing of Rex Tillerson, in which the former Exxon CEO said that a failure to respond to China had allowed it to “keep pushing the envelope” in the South China Sea and added that “we’re going to have to send China a clear signal that first the island-building stops and second your access to those islands is also not going to be allowed” and that putting military assets on those islands was "akin to Russia’s taking Crimea” from Ukraine."
